Central Valley
Welcome to the Central Valley Region at Aspire Public Schools! The Central Valley Region has 14 schools in the communities of Sacramento, Stockton, Modesto, and Ceres. The Central Valley was Aspire’s first region, with University Charter School (Modesto) and Vincent Shalvey Academy (Stockton) opening in 1999. Our most recent addition to the region was the opening of Aspire Benjamin Holt Middle School in 2016. We currently serve over 5,800 students across the region.
Central Valley Leadership Team
Anthony Solina
Kat Ellison
Associate Superintendent, K-5 and Principal Development/Support
Email Kat
Phone Kat
View Bio for Kat
Jeff Palmquist
Central Valley Regional Calendar
Nothing from March 17, 2025 to April 17, 2025.
Central Valley Students
Post-Secondary Matriculation Rate
Class of '17 # of College Courses Passed Prior to HS Graduation
Central Valley Teammates
Central Valley Schools
Stockton, CA
Key Goals + Initiatives
- PHYSICALLY & EMOTIONALLY SAFE SCHOOLS - Students, families & staff are engaged and empowered in safe and equitable school environments
- ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE - Students are prepared to meet college-ready goals through rigorous Common Core & NGSS aligned instructional program
- 21st CENTURY LEARNERS - Students are innovators who effectively use media & technology to navigate life, college, and career